FFC Pool Work Days
Come out to help clean up our pool area and prepare for our summer opening!
Our Operations Chair, Adam Richwine, is already hard at work this spring determining what specific projects need to be prioritized before opening.
As most of you are aware, FFC is a privately owned club. This means that each bonded family “owns” a part of the pool and has a responsibility to help maintain our property and our pool.
We have about two months to prepare for our opening!
Please mark your calendar and plan to join us at one of the weekend work parties: Sat April 12, Sat May 03, and Sat May 10.
This is also a great opportunity for students to earn service hours for school which we will happily document. Adam and Matt will send out specific start times for work parties and a link to sign up for certain tasks. If you have any questions, please reach out to Adam at ffcpool@gmail.com.